Thursday, May 13, 2010

1 more week...

... until moving day!!

Oh thank God. I can't wait to get this over and done with, and life can get back to normal. Well ... as normal as it can be for me (I'm not sure if I can use the word normal).

Poor Milo has been sitting in a corner, begging me to finish him and my other drawings have been put on temporary hold until this much anticipated day has passed.

I really will miss this house though; the trees and garden out front, the grass, the paved driveway, the birds   I won't miss the rabbits - but I think Brandy will - in a more morbid sense than I will miss the garden. Plus she likes to eat what they leave behind if you know what I mean. I guess it's like little chocolate chips, but not so chocolatey.

Sigh - a lot of good memories here, but now it's time to move on to bigger and better things 5 minutes down the road.

In the mean time, some random Brandy with her new favorite toy just because she wanted her picture taken (she really did, and no, I'm not crazy - the camera excites her for what ever reason ... only dog I know who runs up, grabs a toy and poses when she hears it turn on - ham).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What a horrible weekend

Desperation has set in, "You put the damn harness on, is it time to go!?"

Since this weekend, weather-wise, has been an absolute failure in my books (with wind gusts up to 100km/hr, rain, sleet, thunderstorms and cold weather), I thought I'd post some pictures from just 2 weekend ago, when the weather was much more appropriate for outdoor activities.

April 24th - Spring time at Rattlesnake Point. This time of year attracts A LOT of people to the park - hikers, campers, groups and of course, climbers. Me, I wouldn't trust hanging off the edge of a jagged cliff being held by only a rope and a tree or rock. No, definitely not for me, I'll walk and take pictures  instead of repelling thank you.

So, once again, the little dog and I took to the woods on what was a lovely spring day in late April. A lovely spring day with too many frolicking wild raccoons. Well, of course they'd be wild wouldn't they, and possibly rabid? Great.  It's a little disconcerting to see these buggers (who I am definitely not a fan of) in the middle of the day, when there is lots of human activity going on nearby. Usually lots of human activity mean no wild animals, except squirrels, which are not to bright to begin with, and birds that couldn't care less how many people are around. If you can make out the one climbing the tree in the photos below, that guy was on the ground, about 20 feet away from us when we came upon him, and Brandy had a melt down. If you don't think dogs scream, you haven't met mine. I suppose she wanted to pick a fight, I mean, she is a Jack Russell and all, but she ended up scaring it up a tree instead, which is perfectly fine with me - I don't want that thing anywhere near me, they are nasty little critters. The little dog wasn't the least phased by it, and I guess she can be a nasty little critter too (good 'ole instincts).

Anyway, here are the results of our hike, on a nice sunny warm spring day, as opposed to the days we're having this weekend. Here's to good weather.

Too bad I didn't have my zoom lens with me, then you would have been able to see the look of disgust on his face as he eye-balled Brandy.

Trilliums emerging through last falls left-overs.