Monday, June 14, 2010

Productive Weekend

This weekend I spent some time finishing off a portrait, and working on Milo. The portrait has gone to the client for proofing, and I will post an image of it once I hear back. As far as Milo goes, he's really beginning to take shape. Poor guy, it's been a while since I put brush to canvas, but finally this weekend I was able to give him some attention and a bit of personality, so he's really coming along now. It felt good to fiddle with the acrylics again and I'm hoping to have him fully completed in the next few weeks. You can see his progress below:

Fiddling with the basic shadows and highlights

Adding some depth, personality and more shadows and highlights

Brandy and I also took in a CPE agility trial at Acton Agility. It's been a while since we've been on course, but the little dog surprised me and managed to get 4 out of 4 qualifying runs (a little elephant never forgets), and landed herself the Level 4 Standard Title (CL4-R). Lucky for me, she's still got it and probably always will have it. Smart little spoiled bugger.

What a life!
Brandy - The B-Hive, ADC, SGDC, AADC, RN MCL, RPT, CL2, CL3 CL4-R, HIT Agility JRTRO Trial 2009, JRTCC SGD

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