Oh why oh why does the weather play with my emotions??
Only Saturday it was 30 degrees out, gorgeous, sunny, mind you a tad windy (could have been a hurricane blowing through it really was that bad in the afternoon) but beautiful out none-the-less.
But then, of course, when it's that windy and warm, you know a storm is a brew'in. And boy did it brew.
Sunday started cool, but warmed up a bit, especially down Niagara way where we spent the day.
Monday - hot hot hot again, love it! I really enjoy walking Brandy at 9:00pm in only a t-shirt...ok, hang on, not just a t-shirt, I had pants too just to clear that up.
Then today, horrible, cool - only 10 degrees, and rained for half the darn day. Now the rest of the week will be a plethora of cooler spring weather, though I'm hoping and praying for some hot days sprinkled in between, just enough to tease and taunt before the temperature drops once again. Perhaps it will snow. Bad, bad, I shouldn't say that, bad.
Brandy and I did take the time to enjoy the heat on Saturday with a little outing to Hilton Falls Conservation Area. Busy as usual, but you really don't notice it while you're on the trails. All the signs of spring were evident, from the buds on the trees to the flowers trying to show themselves through the dry leafy forest floor.
Though usually water crazy, Brandy wasn't too interested in jumping into the reservoir ... I think she knew it would have been a chilly dip. She really seems to enjoy herself in the woods, and she carried her own poop bags - how handy!
And of course, she had herself a little photo session throughout our promenade
(with her little poo-bag carrying back-pack). She's a ham, does a great job for me...makes herself look very natural, though I can see something in her eyes at certain times during these "sessions" that definitely isn't love...