Friday, January 18, 2013

Great Pyrenees - Pencil Pet Portrait

A recent commission completed. In Memory of Rex, a giant of a dog whom I had the opportunity to meet in person and impressive wasn't even a big enough word to describe him.

11"x14" Pencil on Strathmore stock.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hi ... Remember Me?

Once again, I've decided to re-instate the insatiable blog that I just can't rid myself of. New name, new year, new start (I know, I know, AGAIN). It's sadly been over a year since I decided to click on the "New Post" icon .... poor blog.

Sooooo, I'm just going to jump right into it. A drawing a day. Well, that's the goal anyway. Who knows if it will really happen or not, but I promise to make an effort. I've had some requests from the Child (who is only two but has this crazy, wild imagination), so what better place to showcase them then right here (he's pretty demanding of me).

I should mention if anyone besides my child has any requests (they have to be PG please) feel free to email.

Two from 2013!!! Enjoy!

Oh, and hey, need some illustrations that are not Child requested? I'm here to help! Shoot me an email at for info.