Yes, I have been rather lax on my posting these past couple of weeks. But I was on vacation for one of them, which I think is a good excuse, and well, it takes a while for me to get out of vacation mode during the first week back.
We spent the week on Eels Lake, just North of Apsley and South of Bancroft. I'm certain that we picked the only good week that summer has had to offer so far. So we had hot weather, lots of swimming and surprisingly little bugs. Though, the fishing left something to be desired.

We even missed a tornado that ravaged part of Milton's downtown core. The storm moved quickly across Southern Ontario, with tornado's active in certain areas, and warnings in others. We prepared ourselves, somewhat hard to do when your living in a wooden box for the week - where do you go when there's no basement and you're in the middle of the woods, but luckily we only got a nasty storm. Check out some of the images from the Weather Network:
The dogs, and us, got to enjoy the water on an almost daily basis, and Brandy, my Jack Labrador Retriever, is loath to leave the water for any reason, preferring to spend hours fetching objects from the lake for us to toss back in again. Even objects that we haven't tossed, such as a random leaf meandering on the lakes surface, was enough to make her insane about getting it out of the water. And if you haven't heard a dog scream, go swimming without my little one and you'll be surprised at the noises that can come out of this little creature.
It was also fantastic to see the dogs actually being dogs, living in the great outdoors for the week. You could tell that they enjoyed themselves, especially Brandy, who got to utilize her instincts by digging us a rather large hole. On the hunt for something unknown, which we had to kibosh since it wasn't our property. She was intent on finding what ever it was in the ground, and I was surprised at how quickly the hole expanded. The little dog excavated earth very well, going as far as pulling roots out of the way and any other object that was in her path. It was great to see her do something very instinctual like that, and after the stoppage, she seemed very proud of her handy-work. Not too worry, I filled the whole back in nicely, so we'll never know what she was after, but I think the fun was in the dig itself.
Unfortunately, now that I am back, I have to return to work mode (and I'm not talking about the portraits or my business - I enjoy those). Fortunately, I have come up with some new ideas for the business which I will reveal in a later post. As well, I have been working on a landscape of Burns Creek Conservation Area, which will also be revealed in a later post. For now, some more photos from our vacation take top priority on this blog so enjoy!

Eels Lake Sunset off the dock

My Jack Labrador Retriever enjoying the water