That's right, my little baby child is 20 today!! Actually, she's not really mine, I can't take credit for her. She is my parents little baby child, but she feels like mine. And, she's making me feel old.
She is my mini-me, my protegee if you will. It scares me sometimes how similar we can be; perhaps more than sometimes. But she is a very talented little thing, and I say she got it all from me - the good looks and the fantastic abilities!
She reminds me a lot of Brandy in many ways, and I suppose that Brandy is her mini-me ... though it is a very odd resemblance at best. They are just both brats I suppose, both brats that are getting older, and making me feel like life passes too quickly. But they are both brats that make my life complete, and I couldn't imagine being without them.
Life is great when you have a Q and a B (don't ask, she'll know what I'm talking about and for now, that's all that counts).
Happy birthday Gabe!!!!!!
To see her photography and art, please follow the links below:
http://deano-art.smoothfolio.com http://gabrielledeansphotography.smoothfolio.com