Perhaps I need to start calling this blog, Dogz n' Art and One Child.
It's tough to get out for the fall foliage photos with a one month old, but it's really the rain that's holding me back this year. Stupid weather people - they gave me the impression that it was suppose to be a warm, dry fall ... HA! wrong again! Hubby and I did manage to get out on the weekend to walk in the woods with the dogs and child in tow, without camera though, hence the lack of outdoor photos. And of course, the big dog flushed a couple pheasants, though they would have been too far away for a good shot, we always see wildlife when we don't have a camera.
When the darn rain lets up, I plan on making the yearly fall trip to
Lowville Park for fall pictures, and I'm hoping this year to finally catch the salmon running, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. Every year I try, and every year I miss the spawn. I have no idea what my problem is.
So, in the mean time, I'm loving the black and white photography, especially of the little guy. I did thrown in some colour though ... the outfit was too cute to feature in black and white only.
And stay tuned for some upcoming portraits that I will be featuring.
Always adorable when asleep
The look