Her hell bent on destroying only appears when certain items are around. Kleenexes behind our backs if she is able to find a used one (much more fun), the aftermath is deliberately left on the floor for us to remove and dispose of once found, cardboard when given to her - she will never take cardboard that hasn't been okay'd, and "other" bones. Bones like the hard Nylas (for heavy chewers) and of course, the edible Nylas. She was a much heavier chewer when she was younger, so we don't go through bones like we used to.
This "clear bone" is special - it has a name. She prefers to tug it, gum it and lick it. Don't ask, because I have no idea.
So if you inquire with her as to where her "clear bone" is, she will go and find it for you, bring it to you and ask you to play with it, or sit in front of you and gum it until it's all slimy, then spend 5 minutes licking it off with you observing (it's no fun if no one it watching). Can you just envision the pleasure in that?! Odd little dog - but that's what makes her entertaining, delightful, humorous and that's what makes good photos.