I titled this acrylic piece "Me and My Ball". The BALL in question is a red rubber "Kong Ball", and if your dog is BALL crazy, I highly recommend these almost indestructible play-things.
The BALL seems to be like drugs to my little dog. It doesn't matter if the world is coming down around her, as long as she's got the BALL, all is well.
The odd time she will moan about the cupboard where it is kept, waiting somewhat impatiently, for the door to be opened so that the BALL can come out and play.
Her obsession has subsided slightly over the years, but if the BALL is revealed, all hell can and will break loose. We did, at one point, use it as a reward for a job well done in the agility ring. That went sour very quickly.
Brandy isn't stupid, nor is she a "let me please you, and you alone" kind of dog. So once she found out that the BALL was not on course with us, well, it just wasn't worth while for her to stay in the ring. Granted we've worked on this as a training issue, however, the BALL is no longer allowed at agility events.
But, the BALL makes her happy - a little too happy at times, but happy none the less, and it's amazing the kind of joy that she gets out of a simple little round, red, rubber object. Makes you stop and take a second to appreciate the small things in life. Not necessarily BALLS, I'll leave that for the dogs, but the other small things, that seem unimportant in the big picture of things, but should never be over looked for fear of missing out on something that could bring a little bit more joy into our days.
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