She waits until no one is looking directly at her, then munches away. It's like the forbidden fruit. If you're watching, and she knows that you're watching, she'll sit and stare at you, feigning nonchalant boredom, until you go away. Once she sees that you've vacated the area, she's back mowing the lawn again.
Rolling in Bird Crap

And, of course, she knows it gets wiped off afterwards with what she thinks is acid, but is merely a handy, spray on, bathless shampoo for just this sort of occasion. She shrinks from the spray bottle as though the contents will eat right through her delicate skin, ears pinned back, tail down body curling, just pleading me not to touch her with that horrid stuff, and to leave her with the heavenly perfume that she just applied in the backyard. I guess this is something I will never be able to fathom. It's between her and the poo.
Sleeping on Hubby's Pillow

Of course this one isn't gross, it's just plain cute. 9 times out of 10 it's hubby's pillow that I find her on. I have a feeling that she knows she really isn't suppose to be on it, but it's oh so soft and forms so nicely to the body that it's just irresistible. I will admit, these pillows are pretty amazing ... I won't tell you how much they cost though.
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