I have no doubt in my mind about the hunt and prey drive that my little dog possesses. I have never really given her the chance to strut her stuff, but every now and then she finds something of interest in the surface of the earth below her, so I let her have at it.

No going down holes, mind you, as a typical hunting JRT would do (I am no terrierman) - I fear for her safety. But on the other hand, I love to see her natural instincts at work. So, we surface hunt, then we dig. I shouldn't say we, she's the only one who does the digging, and if it's not my property, I get the job of filling the hole back in. She's a great excavator, and can open up a foot wide hole in a matter of minutes.
I haven't a clue what interests her so much below the dirt, as she's yet to actually catch anything, but she seems to enjoy the process, and her concentration in the hole is quite something (I do know of a JRT that hunts worms, so perhaps this is what she's after - thank God she hasn't found any).
She is a highly visual little dog as well, so she takes pleasure in scouting out rabbits in the parks. I don't let her have at those because the roads are far too close for comfort and when we're out and about in the woods, there is just too many cliffs to topple over - so leash it is.
These are from the Lowville photo-shoot. Dug to roots, then pulled her off. It was too windy and cool for me to stand there and wait for her to finish.

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